Sports, exercise, and health information you want.
Science you can trust.
The Aim…
Most of us would like to move better and feel healthier, and excel in the sports we play and the passions we follow.
To do this, we have to improve our physical capacities and ward off injury and illness, all while handling life’s challenges.
The Process…
To help people handle life’s challenges, athletes to perform their best, or to recover from illness or injury, we need focus on the process more than the outcome:
Define our end goals - they should be eminently specific and clearly measurable
Determine what the optimum ‘human’ would look like to meet those goals (what do their musculotendinous, nervous, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems have to be able to do?)
Identify the best exercise, diet and other interventions to “engineer” the human to meet those goals.
That is, we work backwards, starting with the desired outcomes before determining the best processes to achieve those aims.
30 years of experience in research, academic teaching, and working with athlete and clinical populations gives me a comprehensive, science-centric, knowledge base.
Through this website, I want to share that knowledge with you…